In yet another step closer to true Orwellian society, Britain has launched it’s newest Big Brother system, uploading one third of the population to a facial recognition database.


Yep, that’s right folks, gone are the days of innocent until proven guilty, it is now highly likely that your face is one of those stored on this database under the pretext of fighting terrorism and is being observed every day.

With the 18 Million mugshots which have now been uploaded into the nationwide, real-time facial recognition tracking system, it is now abundantly clear from this latest bit of news that Britain isn’t just on a slippery slope, but has well and truly fallen off the edge – tumbling hopelessly into an Orwellianesque chasm.

And as if to add insult to injury, this is not the only infringement of our privacy, because the US is also going to be rolling it’s “emotional recognition” surveillance technology systems soon nationwide.

Back here in the UK, no one in the media has had the balls to ask HOW the police have acquired these 18 million mugshots which, incidentally, have all been cross referenced with valid ID – the most likely source is from passports considering the size of some of the airports in the UK, Gatwick, Heathrow, Manchester to mention but a few. Not to mention some of the largest and busiest docks in the world too.
It would be comforting to see the media chasing this up at some point instead of suddenly losing it’s backbone and covering nonsense on the TV as it normally does instead.

The most worrying is that no one really knows exactly what this new technology will be used for in the long term. Yes, they are using the whole terrorism thing as an initial excuse, and this will likely placate many people and ease them into acceptance – because lets face it, they’ve put a lot of energy recently into making sure people are scared enough to want to accept a measure like this without question.
But when push comes to shove, it is also just as likely it will be used to track and monitor those who are deemed to be a threat domestically – lets not forget David Cameron’s clamp down on those he considers as “domestic terrorists” – not gun or bomb toting individuals, but those who speak out against their government, those who protest, those who actually call for change across numerous platforms, whether it be anti-fracking, anti vaccines, or those pressing for further inquiries into the sex abuse scandal currently plaguing parliament.


Yes, all those who have the guts to speak out and voice an opinion the powers that be would rather not hear, are highly likely to come under the ever-watchful eye of this newest Big Brother system.

It wont matter how many assurances the government makes either, the police have this in place and what can you do about it if your face is on there?
Let us not forget that Britain has 1 CCTV camera for every 11 people, working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You are observed every time you leave your home. Your exact whereabouts is always known and watched. Just like in a prison…

Do you still feel innocent?

McDonalds is not a favoured fast food chain of mine. Their food generally only manages to scratch the surface of what is acceptable in dietry terms, but nonetheless, it remains a guilty pleasure to many.

After a 15% slump in sales in 2014, desperate Mc Donalds is pulling a very strange trick out of the hat now to try and entice more diet unaware customers back through their doors.

McDonalds plans on anouncing a new tactic that absolutely reeks of pathetic hopelessness. From Feb 2nd until Feb 14th, customers will be able to ‘Pay With lovin'”for their order.
And they are absolutely serious about it too.

McDonalds Earnings Rise On Value Menu
Customers who bravely walk through the shadow of the valley of the golden arches can, at random, be chosen to pay for their order with a variety of craziness including selfies, a phone call to tell their mum how much they love her, or with a hug, a high five, a fist pump, or some other ridiculous gesture that is bound to leave you looking as desperate as the company itself.

However, we here at AnarchyDaily try to see opportunity in everything. And this is no exception.

Whether you are a fan of the chain or not, there are people who would be grateful to have the same choice. Those without a home, those who live on the streets. Those who do not know where their next meal may come from.

So, if you are one of the lucky ones who gets chosen at random to pay for your food in an embarrassing fashion, why not donate the free meal to someone who needs it more than you do?
You were going to pay for it after all.
Practice some selflessness. Give your free gift away, and then go back and do exactly what you were planning on doing. Then, not only your stomach will be thanking you, but also, your heart.

Posted: February 1, 2015 in Activism

In this growing age of consumerism who has the time to bother with homeless people. After all, in the rush to get that next life changing wide screen telly or the latest clone of last years mobile phone, who has the time to actually care for anyone else?
Caring is a sign of weakness. A frivolous display of empathy that rarely produces anything worthy than a brief sensation of humanity, right?


I mean, why care about that homeless bum on the street corner. unwashed, smelling like last weeks dinner, down turned eyes and an obvious lack of get-up-and-go….Why bother?
Clearly they like the situation they are in otherwise they would actually do something about it, right?
“Get a job” is an all too common comment thrust at such individuals.
If they got a job, they could afford new shoes – I mean, who really wants to see toes poking through filthy socks anyway.
What do you mean you cant get a job if you have no where to live? HA! Go to the council then, go to a shelter then…they’ll help you, that’s what they’re there for. Stop being so lazy and feeling sorry for yourself and do something constructive.

Admit it, we’ve all had that fleeting thought at some point invade even the most sympathetic corner of our minds.
We’ve all stood incredulous at the notion that the very organisations we are told are in place could not possibly offer the help they claim to be able to.
But that is the most harrowing fact of all.
Behind the fancy posters and wordy yet colourful pamphlets adorned with happy and smiling faces, there really is absolutely NO HELP available for those who need it the most. Why? Because there are just too many.
Despite the fact that thousands of homes stand empty in areas thought less than desirable by those who could actually afford to buy one, they are still classed as profit to someone – and so are off limits to those who need them.

The age old presumption that homeless people are either drunks or drug addicts who have for some reason chosen this life just doesn’t stand true anymore.

The abysmal state of our benefits system is now largely responsible for a growing number of very ordinary people losing everything they at one point worked hard towards.
Disabled people. Ex-Forces. Those who have had ridiculous sanctions imposed on them simply for not being able to attend a meeting that they may have been told was cancelled anyway, or because their final stage cancer is not deemed serious enough to stop them working. This is the reality of homelessness in the UK in the 21st century.

And as our government organisations continue to score points and earn bonuses for creating more sanctioned individuals who face either starvation, homelessness or desperation which can and HAS lead to suicide, it has fallen on the shoulders of only slightly better off individuals giving up not only their time but often also their own jobs to devote their energies to those who are less fortunate.

Operations such as #opsafewinter have swept across the country like literal knights in shining armour to provide sleeping bags, clothing, food and other necessities to those who would otherwise face a bleak existence being moved from one shop doorway to another, or maybe even having their only possessions taken away from them by the very servants who have taken an oath to serve and protect them.

Please take the time to check out Anyone can get involved and it truly does make a difference where ever you are. Also follow them on twitter @OPSafeWinter

And remember, Homelessness is not a crime – and neither is feeding the hungry!

The British Army is now recruiting soldiers who are familiar with social networking to form a new 77th brigade which will supposedly be responsible for non-lethal warfare (psychological warfare) and will come into force in April.

We suspect there will be a fair amount of infiltration into various groups and manipulation of what news is seen, effectively taking control of what people say and read (controlling the narrative). Does this sound like 1984 to you?

Activist groups will almost definitely be infiltrated for the purposes of both intelligence gathering and dispersal.

This HAS to lead to a tightening of belts as far as in-group security is concerned. Facebook is known for it’s lack of security and privacy, this has inevitably forced activist groups to move to safer and more private means of communication. This is likely to increase with news of this new Brigade.

This is what the Commander of NATO special operations, Lt Gen Marshall Webb had to say about it – We urge you to read between the lines. 

“Special operations headquarters is uniquely placed to address this,” he said. “We tend to take an indirect approach. We can engage without being escalatory or aggressive. We tend to view things from an oblique angle, and we absolutely acknowledge that trust, information-sharing and interagency collaboration is crucial.”

Activists have been using the Daily Mail £1 ferry offer in a fantastic way. Instead of selfishly using it to pop over the channel to stock up on booze or take in the sights on a cheap day out, they have been ferrying themselves over to help feed the many homeless migrants that are being held in the Calais camps.

The initiative was begun by the editorial team at the anarchist magazine Strike! in a Facebook post entitled “How to help your fellow human beings at the Calais migrant camps… at the Daily Mail’s expense! This is probably the best thing you could do this weekend/ever”.

Activists have been loading up trolleys with warm clothing, food, and other such necessary items to donate to the Calais Migrant Solidarity campaign.

This is Anarchy in action, Helping fellow human beings in a time of desperate need. Taking advantage of a newspapers offer which would normally see hundreds thinking only of themselves, to assist less fortunate individuals.

David Charles, one of the campaigning journalists involved with the stunt, wrote an open letter to the newspaper on his blog, entitled “A thousand thanks for your tireless support for the much-abused Calais migrants! (Or, as they’re also known, “Fellow Human Beings”.)”

“Some freeloading scroungers might have cynically used your festive promotional offer with P&O Ferries to go over and stock up on cheap continental booze and fags,” he wrote. “But we know you meant to launch a D-Day-style flotilla of solidarity with Fellow Human Beings who have fled the blood and torture and killing and more blood and bombs (paid for by the British taxpayer!) in the hope of joining us in El Dorado where you can’t even have a fag indoors any more.

“Your courageous humanitarian stance should be saluted – but instead you’re constantly pilloried by the loony left as ‘anti-immigration’, ‘anti-welfare’ and ‘anti-freeze’. Everyone should clearly understand your newspaper is cover-to-cover political satire!”

Survivors of sex abuse say they have received death threats and been approached by their abusers, after MPs published their details online last week.

As part of its inquiry into how the Home Office handled historical sex abuse, the House of Commons’ Home Affairs select committee revealed the identities of four victims on its website.

In a letter to Home Secretary Theresa May, a group of abuse survivors said: “It has exposed us as individuals, making us feel vulnerable, and is having a huge impact on our work.”

Keith Vaz, the chair of the inquiry, published an unedited version of the 96-page document, but has since redacted the names of the survivors of abuse and other sensitive details.

The documents were made public in a bid to support claims that a member of the Home Office’s abuse panel, Sharon Evans, had been bullied by another member of the inquiry team.”

Is this just another tactic the Government is using to make sure this inquiry never happens?
There have been so many omissions, mistakes and downright evasions during the whole thing and now that victims names have been released online takes the biscuit.
How incompetent can the Government get?
When will Theresa May actually start to make some convincing headway in this issue?

We the people must stand up for what is right. The hundreds of children that have been, and will continue to be abused by the  most powerful and elite individuals in the country, deserve it.

We believe the Government has had more than adequate opportunity to show it’s commitment towards this issue, and yet time and time again it is swept under the rug in some vain hope that it will all blow over.
Meanwhile, report after report of on-going sexual abuse of the most vulnerable members of society continues, not stopping either at members of the royal family.
Anarchy is about supporting those who really need it, fairly and justly, and about disposing of those who are a drain and a hindrance to that forward momentum in society.

The British Government is by far the greatest hindrance to societal growth and harmony.

The Methodist and Unitarian churches have launched a blistering attack on the Government for using hunger as a punishment for people claiming unemployment benefit, warning that using benefit sanctions to reprimand claimants who miss meetings or fail to look for jobs amounts to a policy of “deliberate destitution”.

The Trussell Trust says benefit claimants are turning to food banks because they have been wrongly sanctioned for failing to attend courses.

Benefit sanctions are unfair and unreasonable and need to be reviewed immediately because people are being left without ANY financial support sometimes for months on end. Foodbanks across the country, soup kitchens and other organisations, such as #OpSafeWinter,  are doing everything they can to bridge the gap, but it is not enough as more and more people fall foul of this disgusting Government practice.

People are literally starving to death. Children are going to school hungry. The elderly, disabled and those with  mental health issues are suffering equally in these times of austerity.

If you can volunteer any of your time to help those more needy than you, then do it. It is not a choice we can afford to look lightly upon any more, it is a duty.
The government is not prepared to give the help that is needed, therefore we the people must take this action into our own hands.

Greece has recently seen an uprising of Anarchy-type based communities – and they are working.  Doctors, dentists, gynecologists, mental health workers, food dispensaries, midwives and nurses from all sectors have been setting up their own clinics  and are volunteering in many towns in and around Athens for those who have been left without access to health and other services due to the crippling recession.

We need to see the same level of solidarity here in the UK.

Proposed Prisoner Swap Remains Unresolved

The proposed swap that would see ISIS freeing a held Jordanian pilot and a Japanese reporter in trade for a female prisoner behind held by the Jordanian government remains unresolved over 24 hours after the deadline passed.

Jordanian officials began holding off on the planned exchange at the last minute, demanding to see proof that the captured pilot was still alive before the exchange would take place.

Now they don’t seem to be holding out much hope at all, and are instead threatening mass execution of all SIS detainees they are holding if something happens to the hostage pilot.

Jordan had put the death penalty on hold for eight years, but resumed executions in December, killing 11 people. Officials say they can fast-track the killing of all the ISIS detainees at a moment’s notice.
by Jason Ditz, January 30, 2015

Anarchy does not and never has meant unruly chaos. But war is, and always will be.

There are dark days ahead for the freedom and the right to protest and demonstrate in the UK.
Using recent so-called terror attacks – such as that recently in Paris – as justification, the Met police force are considering firearms training for their public order, or riot, police.

The recent “terror” attacks have created a surge in many of our rights being put into question. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of movement, the right to protest and demonstrate – all of these and more have gloomy shadows cast over them from not only our Government, but also the police forces, child protection services, the banking elite and even royalty.
Even those who speak out against out Government can now be labelled as ‘domestic terrorists’ simply for pointing out the many obvious flaws within policies and statements.

Let us be perfectly clear. We do not believe in the hype surrounding these “terrorist attacks”. We do not believe they are as genuine as they have been reported to be by the mainstream media – mainly because we know the MSM is in the pockets of higher powers.
We believe these terror attacks amount to little more than elaborate mock-ups designed to instill fear and a sense of dependency upon Government into the general public.

The countless discrepancies in the video footage of the Paris gunmen attack for instance, highlight the desperate measures the ruling elite are willing to go to, in order to regain control of a wider populace that is beginning to see through the lies.

Our right to protest and demonstrate has never been more important than now. This is why such drastic measures are being taken by the Metropolitan Police force in an attempt to quash the growing numbers of individuals who are seriously questioning the validity of an archaic system that seeks only to impoverish and undermine society.

Indeed, a good and productive society – in the eyes of a ruling state – is one that does not question it’s leaders.

Armed police forces are not a by-product of an increased terror threat. They are a result of a panicked elite who can foresee a breakdown of the society they wish to control.

To make it appear that all these measures are being carried out “for the good of the people” is nothing short of deception.
To create a situation whereby society feels it has to turn to it’s leaders for protection – a circumstance where many people would gratefully accept any degree of control simply to feel safe – is nothing short of a gross criminal act towards supposedly free people.  It is enslavement.

If the Met Police arms itself against British civilians who are just exercising their right to protest and demonstrate against a corrupt and deceptive system, then that can only be seen as an attack against the people themselves.

Civil war, is inevitable, as has occurred in other countries in Europe recently. Government will be overthrown, forcefully if necessary. We would like to think that the god men and women of our national police forces will join us, because it is them that we fight for also, even if their own dependency stops them from seeing it that way.